What Is Camp BhaNdardara?

Our MissioN

At Camp Bhandardara, our mission is to offer a sanctuary where nature and people can interact in harmony. We strive to create an environment that encourages respect for nature, promotes sustainable practices, and enhances the well-being of our guests and the local community. Our goal is to make outdoor adventure accessible and enjoyable for all, while preserving the beauty and integrity of the natural landscape for future generations.

Extraordinary Team

Our team consists of local experts and outdoor heros of Bhandardara who are not just staff, but passionate for adventure and the great outdoors. They are always eager to help you make the most of your stay, whether by guiding you on a hike, helping you set up your tent, or sharing insider tips on the best spots for startgazing like: Kalsubai Peak, Arthur Lake, Wilson Dam, Umbrella Falls, Randha Falls, and so on.

Our Core Values

We believe in making the best camping experience for our guests.

Nature Sustainability
Community Engagement
Camping & Adventure With Respect